

Saturday, September 10, 2011


The Merry & Uncanny Creatures have just told me they've thought it over and (after quite a lot of cogitation and quivering) have unanimously decided that these little Ghosties are welcome here.

"They're only harmless Halloween spirits, after all. And since we're Oddities ourselves, and these little guys seem nice enough, it would probably be unkind to leave them out...  After all, it's not their fault they're ghosts. They didn't make the world."

I asked (a bit trepidatiously) about the Ghoulies, from the rickety old reputedly-Scottish or maybe Cornish prayer for Halloween...  But they shook their heads with utter vehemence. "No way," they said. "Since ghouls, by definition, have bad intentions." 

Long-legged beasties? "Well. If that means non-biting spiders, calm giraffes, and gentle octopi... they're all OK, as long as their intentions remain benign."

"But things that go bump in the night, intentions or not, are much too noisy. Sorry... but we need our sleep."

And that's all the Merry & Uncanny Oddities and Creatures have to say.
(At least, for now.)